1. Lynn Matthews from Yoga4Life is conducting a number of live Yoga Nidra events this week.

Monday (May 21): 10:30am and 5:30pm at the Annapolis Town Centre
Tuesday (May 22): 7:30pm at Prana Studio in Annapolis
Thursday (May 24): 9:30am off Riva Rd in Riva, MD

I typically do a Yoga Nidra practice several times a week and it can be an amazing experience. Here’s an overview of how it works…

Yoga Nidra is an ancient practice that systematically releases muscular, emotional and mental tensions. We all accumulate stress or tension, whether we realize it or not. The cumulative effects of these stresses take their toll on the nervous system and can manifest in many ways: insomnia, anxiety, gastro-intestinal disorders, infertility, auto-immune disorders and more. Yoga Nidra is a wonderful antidote to stress and all its side effects. Yoga Nidra differs from many relaxation practices in that the use of a sankalpa or intention is used. This technique, combined with the use of a sankalpa, can bring about powerful changes in your life, emotionally and physically.

Bring a blanket, comfortable pillow and a desire to refresh and renew yourself!

Cost: $17

For directions, e-mail Lynn at: lynn.yoga4life@gmail.com


2. Community Metta Yoga Class with Gretchen Serinis at Shakti Studio

Doors open at 6 for relaxation, class begins at 6:15-7:15 pm



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